OET (Occupational English Test) is designed to meet the specific English language needs of the healthcare sector. It assesses the language proficiency of healthcare professionals who wish to practise in an English-speaking environment. All four language skills are assessed, with Writing and Speaking tests available in 12 different areas of healthcare. All candidates sit the same Reading and Listening tests.

Who recognises OET?

OET is trusted by regulators, hospitals & universities in the UK, the US, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai and Singapore as proof of ability to communicate effectively.

What makes OET a global leader in English language assessment?

OET accurately reflects a candidate’s ability to communicate in an English-speaking healthcare workplace
OET reports a scaled score (from 0 to 500) and a letter grade (from E to A) for each individual sub-test. OET does not report overall scores or grades.

OET has been developed specifically to reflect workplace tasks for 12 healthcare professions

Tasks simulating real workplace scenarios and testing relevant language skills for healthcare.